
  We all got moments we weren't doing very well....Some day,things will work out.We will rise again...and so is my message to Martial.I feel the pressure on you.Relax.Keep pushing. The Jersey on you is a dream and love for many.I believe in you. And to you reading this,keep pushing everyday.Victory in the offing. #BURMUN #MUFC #Martial #pogba

God took some soil from the ground and molded it .The body was in shape, as the Creator desired. It didn’t just end at that, there was more to be done. He [God] then breathed onto its nostrils; the breath of LIFE. A walking soul [the body with God’s spirit] was God’s end product of this process. He looked at what He had accomplished and marveled at His own work. God had created the heavens and the earth by word but at this very stage, he got engaged .The Creator was in action. What a privilege that God had to take his own time to bring into existence the first human being -Adam.


He placed the first man [Adam] in the Garden of Eden. After a while, He saw it wise to make Adam a companion .And so he made him to fall into a deep sleep and took out one of his ribs. He then created a woman out of it. When Adam got up, right before him stood one of his own kind; the second human being and he named her Eve. They were not to lie idle. A call of duty had been made by their creator. They were to guard and cultivate the garden. It is here, that the institution of marriage was ordained and a command was given to our first parents. “Go, multiply and fill the earth.”


Before sin, everything was perfect .There was no death. Not even the decay of a single leaf. Later on, man sinned and was locked out of the Garden of Eden. The open communion with God, that man enjoyed, was lost. Death came our way too.Are we then left in despair? Has God abandoned us? Have we been left on our own? Is death the end of everything?Is there hope for us? What are we to do? Are there decisions we ought to make to better our lives?


A child was born today…a LIFE was lost too, yet LIFE is not an end to itself. There is hope of a better tomorrow. God has not abandoned us. God loves us. He sent His only begotten son to be offered as the last of all sacrifices-an atonement for all. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and LIFE.There is LIFE after death-eternal LIFE. We are only sure of being knights if we keep our eyes on the cross. Victory in the offing…


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much. I hope you found it helpful.

  2. Replies
    1. That is awesomely true and encouraging...such a feedback is appreciated. I really appreciate.

  3. Replies
    1. Awesome. I really appreciate for your feedback.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Mercy. It only gets better and better.

  5. Awesome
    Good work
    May God bless you to do more

    1. I really appreciate. Be blessed. God above all.

  6. Replies
    1. You welcome... More articles and insights coming. Victory in the offing.


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